Basic Experiment Microcontroller MCS51 in MIDE-Assembly
2. SW
3. 7 Segmen
4. LCD Character
5. ADC 0804
6. DAC 0808
7. Motor Stepper
8. Keypad 4×4
9. Interrupt
Basic Experiment Microcontroller MCS51 in KEIL-C
1. LED, In this experiment, you will learn howto turn ON/OFF, blink LED and using BIT instruction
2. SW, In this experiment, you will learn how to Get data from SW and send data to PORT.
3. 7 Segmen, In this experiment, you will learn how to drive 7 segmen using decoder 74LS138
4. LCD Character 2×16, In this experiment, you will learn how to drive LCD Character 2×16
5. ADC 0804, In this experiment, you learn how to read data ADC and displaying to LCD or 7 Segmen
Project Microcontroller MCS51 in Assembly language
1. Audiometer base on microcontroller MCS51
The process begins with a diagnosis of hearing threshold pressing the start button. If the patient heard a noise, then the patient should press the Interrupt key, so that the microcontroller can record the amplitude and frequency. On this project, the system uses bank-based oscillator opamp 741, digital to analog component DAC0808 to regulate amplitude and frequency components of 4051 to choose which would be issued to the speakers. The whole system is controlled by a microcontroller AT89S52
3. How reading Keyboard PC PS2
Some time, we need to get input data with more complex character. In this way, we can use PC keyboard PS2 to get data character. Interfacing keyboard PC with microcontroller only needs 2 bit PORT.
4. Nurse call base on 8051 with communication RS485
A nurse call button is a button found around a hospital bed that allows patients in health care settings to alert a nurse or other health care staff member remotely of their need for help. In this project, nursecall used to provide an alarm that will call the nurse to the infirmary, nursecall triggered by using, the sound of crying babies and baby bedwetting.
5. How to Drive Printer Dot Matrix
Old printer that we used to print data from old komputer using LPT, now we can use this printer dot matrix to print data from microcontroller.
6. Driver motor DC with PWM
PWM is pulse width modulation, the important think that we can use to control motor DC or AC. In This experiment, we use timer 0 and timer 1 to generate PWM.
7. How to build Sphygmomanometer
A sphygmomanometer or blood pressure meter is a device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to restrict blood flow, and a mercury or mechanical manometer to measure the pressure. It is always used in conjunction with a means to determine at what pressure blood flow is just starting, and at what pressure it is unimpeded. Manual sphygmomanometers are used in conjunction with a stethoscope.
8. Reading color sensor TCS230
TCS230 is a color sensor that can read color from solid object. This sensor is come out with frekuensi that we can chose with 4 pre scaler. The sensor output 4 frequency, RED, GREEN, BLUE and CLEAR and then microcontroller read the frequency and convert to color.
9. Buil temperature control system on water bath
Waterbath is a laboratory equipment used to stabilize the temperature of the sample through a temperature controlled water medium, where the temperature, which is between 30 0C to 40 0C by setting the timer 1 minute to 15 minutes.
In order to maintain the desired temperature stability, first heat the water by using a heater. Then once the desired temperature is reached, the heating will be controlled heater. When the temperature setting below the heater will turn on and if on top of the heater temperature setting will die, so the temperature will be maintained at the specified temperature.
10. Spirometer base on MCS51
A spirometer is an apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs. A spirometer measures ventilation, the movement of air into and out of the lungs. The spirogram will identify two different types of abnormal ventilation patterns, obstructive and restrictive. There are various types of spirometers which use a number of different methods for measurement (pressure transducers, ultrasonic, water gauge).