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Tutorial Microcontroller MCS-51 ATMEL ISP

Tutorial Microcontroller MCS-51 ATMEL ISP

Pelatihan Dasar Mikrokontroller
14-15 April 2007
Rp. 300.000


Microcontroller Kits

Programmer and Target 89s51
(USD $10)

Simple Mikrokontroller 89s51 Trainer
Rp, 350.000
(USD $35)

Mikrokontroller 89s51 Trainer
Rp. 650.000
(USD $65)

Super Mikrokontroller Trainer 89s51
(USD $125)


Frequency Counter 8051 Microcontroller

A very useful tool for the budding electronics engineer, this digital frequency counter / frequency meter from MyTutorialCafe.com will give you the most bang for the buck. Based on the 89s51 microcontroller.

A good use of the frequency counter is to calibrate other equipment. For example a signal generator that doesn’t have its own digital display. The meter will show the exact frequency being produced by the signal generator.

( Download File : frequency.zip )

;====================================================;FREQUENCY COUNTER BASE ON MICROCONTROLLER 89S51;;1.This Program is to count frequency from T0, by using mode 1 Counter 16 bit, then ;
; counter will overflow after 65.535d or FFFFh pulse;2.Counter resets every 1 second that generated by timer 1, configured as timer 16 bit trough; TF1 interrupt;3.Every 1 second data will show on LCD Character and data saved on RAM address; 30h trough 6fh for 30 data;4.Subrutine SearchMax, used to find the biggest data betwen 30 data that already saved;; by: Triwiyanto, S.Si.,MT; www.mytutorialcafe.com;======================================================
;dispclr equ 00000001bfuncset equ 00111000bentrmod equ 00000110bdispon equ 00001100bones equ 71htens equ 72hhundreds equ 73hthousands equ 74htenthousands equ 75hCount10 equ 76hDataCounter_MaxL equ 77hDataCounter_MaxH equ 78hDataCounter_nextL equ 79hDataCounter_nextH equ 7ahDataRAMCounterL equ 7bhDataRAMCounterH equ 7chDataFlowRateL equ 7dhDataFlowRateH equ 7ehNewDataL equ 7fhNewDataH equ 70h;RS bit P3.0EN bit P3.1PortLCD equ P0button bit P2.3;Ram 30h s/d 4fh;Ram 50h s/d 6fh;; org 0hsjmp start; org 0bh ; address interrupt for timer0ljmp Timer_Interupsi0 ; long jump to timer interrupt 0 TF0 ;start: call ResetRAM call Init_LCDAgainD:call lcd_demo jb button,AgainD jnb button,$ ; setb P2.0; mode no filter TCS230
clr P2.1 ; mode no filter TCS230
clr P2.2 ; output enable TCS230
call init_lcd call init_interupsi_Timer0 ; call LCD_FlowForever: call DisplayFlowRate jb button, Forever jnb button,$ call lcd_Search call ldelay call init_lcd call LCD_maxFLowFinish: call DisplayFlowRateMax call stopcounter jb button,Finish jnb button,$ call resetcounter sjmp start ;DisplayFlowRate: mov DataFlowRateL,NewDataL mov DataFlowRateH,NewDataH ; call Hex16toBCD ; mov R3,#086h call write_inst mov R3,tenthousands call write_data ; mov R3,#087h call write_inst mov R3,thousands call write_data ; mov R3,#088h call write_inst mov R3,hundreds call write_data ; mov R3,#089h call write_inst mov R3,tens call write_data ; mov R3,#08ah call write_inst mov R3,ones call write_data ret ;DisplayFlowRateMax: call SearchingMax ; mov DataFlowRateL,DataCounter_MaxL mov DataFlowRateH,DataCounter_MaxH ; call Hex16toBCD ; mov R3,#0c6h call write_inst mov R3,tenthousands call write_data ; mov R3,#0c7h call write_inst mov R3,thousands call write_data ; mov R3,#0c8h call write_inst mov R3,hundreds call write_data ; mov R3,#0c9h call write_inst mov R3,tens call write_data ; mov R3,#0cah call write_inst mov R3,ones call write_data ret ;;========================================================== ;Subroutine Hex16toBCD ;=========================================================== ;To convert hex 16 bit to 5 digit decimal ;input Data 8 High byte = R1 ;input Data 8 Low byte = R2 ; ;Output tenthousands = R7 ;Output thousands = R6 ;Output hundreds = R5 ;Output tens = R4 ;Output ones = R3 ; ;Contoh: 1A2C h ----> 06799 d;=======================================================Hex16toBCD: ANL PSW,#11101111b ; Aktivasi bank 1 MOV R1,DataFlowRateH; MSByte MOV R2,DataFlowRateL; LSByte
        MOV R3,#00D        MOV R4,#00D        MOV R5,#00D        MOV R6,#00D        MOV R7,#00D
        MOV B,#10D        MOV A,R2        DIV AB        MOV R3,B ;         MOV B,#10 ; R7,R6,R5,R4,R3        DIV AB        MOV R4,B        MOV R5,A        CJNE R1,#0H,HIGH_BYTE ; CHECK FOR HIGH BYTE        SJMP ENDDHIGH_BYTE:        MOV A,#6        ADD A,R3        MOV B,#10        DIV AB        MOV R3,B        ADD A,#5        ADD A,R4        MOV B,#10        DIV AB        MOV R4,B        ADD A,#2        ADD A,R5        MOV B,#10        DIV AB        MOV R5,B        CJNE R6,#00D,ADD_IT        SJMP CONTINUEADD_IT:        ADD A,R6CONTINUE:        MOV R6,A        DJNZ R1,HIGH_BYTE        MOV B, #10D        MOV A,R6        DIV AB        MOV R6,B        MOV R7,AENDD:         Mov A,R3        Add A,#30h        MOV ones,A        ;        Mov A,R4        Add A,#30h        Mov tens,A        ;        Mov A,R5        Add A,#30h        Mov hundreds,A        ;        Mov A,R6        Add A,#30h        Mov thousands,A        ;        Mov A,R7        Add A,#30h        Mov tenthousands,A        ANL PSW,#11100111b ;Aktivasi Bank 0        ret;============================================================ ;Subrutine Timer_Interupsi0;===================================================;This subruoutine is to give an interruption and will overflow;every  0.05 second or 50000 u second. ;and data that loadee is 65.536-50.000=15536 d = ( 3CB0h ) ;B0 h loaded to TL1 and data 3C loaded to TH1;;Each this subroutine read,  pencacah20 will  decrement till Pencacah20=0;this will happen every 20 X 50000 uS = 20 X 0,05s = 1 s,and then;subrutine updatedata-stopcounter-savedatacounter;dan resetcounter will call.;==========================================================Timer_Interupsi0:        mov tl0,#0B0h        mov th0,#03ch         djnz Count10,EndInterupsi        mov Count10,#20        call UpdateData        call StopCounter        call SaveDataCounter        call ResetCounterEndInterupsi:        reti         ;;=====================================================;Subrutine Init_interupsi_timer0;=====================================================;This subroutine is used to initiate RAM  low byte and  RAM  high byte;Initiate mode timer: timer 0 is  functioned as timer 16 bit mode 1;timer 1 is functioned as counter 16 bit mode 1;Initiate register counter TL0 dan TH0: with  data 3CB0h so  counter  will over;flow every 0,05 second;Initiate register counter TL1 dan TH1: with  data 0000h so  counter;start rock and roll in start condition  0000;Initate Timer0 Interrupt;=====================================================Init_interupsi_Timer0:       mov DataRamCounterL,#30h       mov DataRAMCounterH,#50h       mov Count10,#20 
;Initiate for counter down 10 x 0.05 = 0.5 second mov tl0,#0B0h mov th0,#03ch mov tl1,#00h mov th1,#00h Mov TMOD,#01010001b
;timer0 = as timer 16 bit, timer1 = as counter16 bit setb ET0 ; Enable timer 0 interruption Setb EA ; Master Enable All Interuppt setb TR0 ; start rock and roll timer 0 setb TR1 ; start rock and roll timer 1 ret ;UpdateData: mov NewDataL,TL1 mov NewDataH,TH1 ret ;StopCounter: clr TR0 clr TR1 ret ;;=======================================================;Subrutine Savedatacounter;=======================================================;This subruoutine is to save data to register counter 16 bit TL1 and TH1;Data register TL1 is saved in RAM with address 30h s/d 4fh;Data register TH1 is saved in RAM with address 50h s/d 6fhthis subroutine will be called every timer 0 over flow each 20x 0.05 second = 1second;after data is saved than address RAM will increment;
;Index Transfer Data : mov @R0,Data1; mov Data2,@R0; Example: ; org 0h; mov R0,#30h;start:mov DataADC,P2 ;gets data from ADC; mov @R0,DataADC ; saves data ADC in addresss 30h; inc R0 ; increment, R0:= R0 + 1, to save the next data; call delay ; next address is 31h ; sjmp start
SaveDataCounter: mov R0,DataRamCounterL mov @R0,TL1 mov R1,DataRAMCounterH mov @R1,TH1 inc DataRAMCounterL inc DataRAMCounterH mov A,DataRAMCounterL cjne A,#50h,QuitSDC mov DataRamCounterL,#30h; Reset to base Address 30h mov DataRamCounterH,#50h; Reset to base Address 50hQuitSDC: ret ;ResetCounter: mov TL1,#0 mov TH1,#0 Setb TR0 Setb TR1 ret ;
ResetRAM: mov R1,#64 mov R0,#30hNextRam:mov @R0,#0 inc R0 djnz R1,NextRam ret ;delay: mov R6,#25del1: mov R5,#255 djnz R5,$ djnz R6,del1 ret ;ldelay: mov R7,#30ldel1: call delay djnz R7,ldel1 ret;==========================================================; Subrutine SearchingMax ( Oleh: Triwiyanto );==========================================================;This subroutine is to search data 16 bit betwen 30 data
;with metode, to compare data betwen now and next data

;RAM have capacity ony 1 byte so low byte will be saved to 30h .. 40h;and high byte will be saved on 50h..61h;by using the algorith from high programmming language then :;===========================================================
;DataMax:=DataNext[0] ;for i:=1 to 30 do; begin ; if DataNext[i] > DataMax then DataMax := DataNext[i]; end;=======================================================;How to detect if a data is bigger then others, is
; by using instruction SUBB A,Data and JNC Label ; for example A=19, Data=20 then C = 1; A=21, Data=20 then C = 0;=======================================================SearchingMax: mov R7,#30
;number address ram is 2 x 30 address mov R0,#30h mov R1,#50h mov DataCounter_MaxL,@R0 mov DataCounter_MaxH,@R1NextData: inc R0 inc R1 mov DataCounter_NextL,@R0 mov DataCounter_NextH,@R1 ; mov A,DataCounter_NextL clr C subb A,DataCounter_MaxL mov A,DataCounter_NextH subb A,DataCounter_MaxH ; jnc SaveDataCounterMax djnz R7,NextData Sjmp QuitSSaveDataCounterMax: mov DataCounter_MaxL,DataCounter_NextL mov DataCounter_MaxH,DataCounter_NextH djnz R7,NextDataQuitS: ret ;init_lcd: mov R3,#dispclr acall write_inst mov R3,#funcset acall write_inst mov R3,#dispon acall write_inst mov R3,#entrmod acall write_inst ret ;Write_inst: Clr RS ; mode write instruction Mov PortLCD,R3 ; D7 s/d D0 = P0 = R1 Setb EN ; EN = 1 = Enable data Acall delay ; calldelay time Clr EN ; EN = 0 ret ;Write_data: Setb RS ; mode write instruction Mov PortLCD,R3 ; D7 s/d D0 = P0 = R1 Setb EN ; EN = 1 Acall delay ; call delay time Clr EN ; EN = 0 ret ;LCD_Demo: mov dptr,#tulisDemo; DPTR = [ tulisan1 ] mov r7,#16 ; R3=16,Number character to display mov r3,#080h ; R1=80h,character position row=1,col=1 acall write_inst
;Demo: clr a ; A = 0 movc a,@a+dptr ; A = [A+ DPTR] mov r3,A ; R1 = A inc dptr ; DPTR = DPTR +1 acall write_data djnz r7,Demo ;R3=R3-1,jump to tulis1 if R3 = 0 ret ; LCD_Flow: mov dptr,#tulisFlow; DPTR = [ tulisan1 ] mov r7,#16 ; R3= 16, Number character to display mov r3,#080h ;R1= 80h,character position row=1, col=1 acall write_instFlow: clr a ; A = 0 movc a,@a+dptr ; A = [A+ DPTR] mov r3,A ; R1 = A inc dptr ; DPTR = DPTR +1 acall write_data djnz r7,Flow ; R3 = R3-1,jump to tulis1 if R3=0 ret ;LCD_Search: mov dptr,#tulisSearch; DPTR = [ tulisan1 ] mov r7,#16 ; R3=16,Number character to display mov r3,#080h ;R1=80h,character position row=1,col=1 acall write_inst
;Search:clr a ; A = 0 movc a,@a+dptr ; A = [A+ DPTR] mov r3,A ; R1 = A inc dptr ; DPTR = DPTR +1 acall write_data djnz r7,Search ; R3 = R3-1,jump to tulis1 if R3=0 ret ;LCD_MaxFlow: mov dptr,#tulisFlow; DPTR = [ tulisan1 ] mov r7,#16 ;R3=16,Number character to display mov r3,#0c0h;R1=80h,character position row=1, col=1 acall write_instMaxFlow:
clr a ; A = 0 movc a,@a+dptr ; A = [A+ DPTR] mov r3,A ; R1 = A inc dptr ; DPTR = DPTR +1 acall write_data djnz r7,MaxFlow ;R3=R3-1,jump to tulis1 if R3=0 ret ;TulisDemo: DB 'Spirometer 89s51'TulisFlow: DB 'FLowR: ml/s'TulisSearch: DB 'Searching...Max ' ; end

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ISP 89s

Free Software

a. Edsim 51
b. MIDE-51

Lesson 1:

1.4.Instruction Set

Lesson 2:
Input Output
2.3.7 Segmen
2.4.LCD Character
2.7.Motor Stepper

Lesson 3:

Timer Counter

3.2.Mode 0
3.3.Mode 1
3.4.Mode 2
3.5.Mode 3

Lesson 4:

Serial Comm.

4.3.Rotate LED
4.2 ADC

Lesson 5:

