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Writing and reading data to EEPROM Internal

#include <mega8535.h>
#include <delay.h>
int eeprom *pointer_eeprom;
int data=0;
int ubah;
int sat,pul,rat,rib;
void write_data_to_eeprom()

void read_data_to_eeprom()
void convert_to_format7segment(){           if (ubah==0){ubah=0xc0;}           if (ubah==1){ubah=0xf9;}           if (ubah==2){ubah=0xa4;}           if (ubah==3){ubah=0xb0;}           if (ubah==4){ubah=0x99;}           if (ubah==5){ubah=0x92;}           if (ubah==6){ubah=0x82;}           if (ubah==7){ubah=0xf8;}           if (ubah==8){ubah=0x80;}           if (ubah==9){ubah=0x90;}}
void display_7segment(){           PORTC=rib;//send data kedigit5           PORTD.5=0;           PORTD.6=0;           PORTD.7=0;           delay_ms(5);           PORTC=rat;//send data kedigit6           PORTD.5=1;           PORTD.6=0;           PORTD.7=0;           delay_ms(5);           PORTC=pul;//send data kedigit7           PORTD.5=0;           PORTD.6=1;           PORTD.7=0;           delay_ms(5);           PORTC=sat;//send data kedigit8           PORTD.5=1;           PORTD.6=1;           PORTD.7=0;           delay_ms(5);}

// Declare your global variables here

void main(void)           {
 PORTA=0x00;           DDRA=0x00;                      PORTB=0x00;           DDRB=0x00;                      PORTC=0x00;           DDRC=0xFF;                      PORTD=0x07;           DDRD=0xE0;                      TCCR0=0x00;           TCNT0=0x00;           OCR0=0x00;                      TCCR1A=0x00;           TCCR1B=0x00;           TCNT1H=0x00;           TCNT1L=0x00;           ICR1H=0x00;           ICR1L=0x00;           OCR1AH=0x00;           OCR1AL=0x00;           OCR1BH=0x00;           OCR1BL=0x00;                      ASSR=0x00;           TCCR2=0x00;           TCNT2=0x00;           OCR2=0x00;                      MCUCR=0x00;           MCUCSR=0x00;                      TIMSK=0x00;
 ACSR=0x80;           SFIOR=0x00;
// SPI initialization           // SPI disabled   SPCR=0x00;
 TWCR=0x00; pointer_eeprom=0; //addres eeprom tobe write and read read_data_to_eeprom(); while (1) {  if (PIND.0==0)  {   data=data+5; // data=data+2; add 5   delay_ms(200);   if (data <=0)   {    data=0;   }   write_data_to_eeprom();  }  else if (PIND.1==0)  {   data=data-5;   delay_ms(200);   if (data <=0)   {    data=9999;   }   write_data_to_eeprom();  }  else if (PIND.2==0)  {   data=0;  }  sat = data % 10;// sat = modulus  pul = data / 10;  pul = pul % 10;  rat = data / 100;  rat = rat % 10;  rib = data / 1000;  rib=rib%10;  ubah=sat;  convert_to_format7segment();  sat=ubah;  ubah=pul;  convert_to_format7segment();  pul=ubah;  ubah=rat;  convert_to_format7segment();  rat=ubah;  ubah=rib;  convert_to_format7segment();  rib=ubah;   display_7segment();  }}