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Tutorial Microcontroller MCS-51 , AVR Codevision, ARM STM32F4, Keil

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Basic Experiment Microcontroller ARMSTM32F4 – With Coocox IDE

Hello World on STM32F4

What will you do, after you bought ARM modul, for example: Discovery STM32F407. The difficult thinks are how to use it. First of all, you need the software and how to configure the board. In this lesson, you will learn how to do it.

2. Simple Experiment STM32F4 with LED

Why we are always do first experiment with LED ?. LED is a simple component that we are almost know it, how it works. Before you can control this LED, you need to know how it connect to the PORT. In this lesson, you will learn how to connect LED with the board.

3. Simple Experiment STM32F4 with SW

Switch is almost used for human interaction with system, in this experiment, we used switch push button, which it will interact with LED.

4. Interfacing 7 Segmen with STM32F4

Display 7 segmen are compose of some LEDs, Display 7 segmen used in this experiment are seven segment common anode. In this lesson, you will learn how to display a number to 7 segmen.

5. Interfacing HD44780 LCD controller with STM32F4CD Character

It’s time to write about a more complex but interesting connection with the STM32F4-Discovery board. Since I started developing with electronics, I’ve found a lot of applications in which an LCD is needed or can be an added value. We will interfacing HD44780 (and its compatible) driver for alpha-numeric LCDs. Library supports up to 20 x 4 LCD size. It was tested with 20 x 4 (on picture) and with 16 x 2.

6. STM 32F4 Interfacing ADC

In many embedded projects microcontroler, we have to deal with signals directly from nature, like temperature, pressure, current, etc… Theses signals are analog by default and in most of cases we use sensors that converts these analog signals to analog electrical voltage to be injected in the microcontroller to do some work.

For this purpose, microcontroller’s manufacturers usually incorporate an ADC into the microcontroller. ADC is actually stands for Analog to Digital Converter.

In this lesson, I’m going to use the STM32F4 discovery board to interface an analog input provided by a potentiometer and visualize the received data with LCD Character or sending it to Serial comm.

STM32 F4 DAC Waveform Generator

Generating an periodic Sinus waveform using a DAC directly from look up table.

8. Serial Communication RS232 USART on STM32F4

A lot of times when you work on some project, you want to display data on computer. This can be done with USART peripheral on MCU STM32F4. With USART you can connect more than just computer, you can connect with GSM modules, GPRS, bluetooth and so much more. Our discovery board supports up to 8 USART channels. In this tutorial we will use USART3 to show principle how to use USART in our project. But first, we have to initialize our pins and peripheral.

9. ADC-DMA Data Transfer STM32F4

Generating an periodic Sinus waveform using a DAC with DMA and TIM6 as a trigger.

10. STM32 F4 DAC DMA Waveform Generator

11. Working with stm32f407 ADC+TIMER+DMA
Dealing with sampling time for data acquisition, then you need timer to control sampling time rate. Here the sample experiment how to combine ADC, TIMER and DMA for microcontroller STM32F407

12. STM32F407 ADC Six Sample Analog input

In this experiment, we will show you how get data from six analog input, @ 40 KHz via PORT PA.0, PA.1, PA.2, PC.0, PC.1, PC.2, microcontroller STM32F407

13. STM32 ADC Interrrupt Time Sample for two channel analog input ADC

In this experiment, we will show you how to get data from two analog input with sampling rate @ 200 KHz on PORT PC.0 and PC.1

14. STM32F4 Discovery HARDFPU – CooCox CoIDE Floating Point

First time, you are using this microcontroller and you want to send or process some arithmatic floating point, then you may have the problem with it. Here, are step by step that I use to configure my project. In this lesson you can also download the file that I have already configured.

15. DMA Transfer Memory to Memory

Here is the experiment that will show you, the comparation betwen processor transfer and DMA transfer memory to memory.

16. Sending Block Memory to Another Block Memory Via DMA

Here is the experiment that will show you, the comparation betwen processor transfer and DMA transfer memory to memory.